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Our Long Standing History...


When it all began, the seas parted as the sun rotated around the earth. These are fallacies (a farce even), but the truth is when you have dreams to achieve big things, you will go far out of your way to do so - including the nonsensical and ridiculous.

It all began over 10 years ago, with an idea and a vision. Over the many years we found our way through refining our dream and design. By burying our naivety and the unrealistic expectations we had for ourselves, we were able to focus on true goals we could set and accomplish. This allowed us to move forward more successfully.

Making Friends Along the Way


A journey like this can create many aquaintances (and even more friends) than you would come to expect. If it wasn't for the assistance of over 30 of our close and dearly influential friends, there is no telling if we would still be attempting to make games today.

Good friends are hard to come by, but we are always searching to make more connections. We know that creating a future like the one we have in our dreams is an impossible feat to do alone. So please keep in touch with us. You never know when we may need your help.

Where To Go From Here


Nobody likes to feel stuck, locked down, immobilized, etc. We didn't either. Thus we did all we could to break the chains that bound us, limited our ability to feel accomplished. By focusing on our strengths and working around our limitations we finally achieved the success we always knew we could. Now if only we could amplify that in some way...

Our goal in this life is simple: Helping Others. Building a hive for all creatives to gather and collaborate is essential for the future of artists everywhere. We plan to be part of that growth and development, providing support every step of the way. As stated before, we wouldn't be here at this point in the road if it wasn't for the support of others. So lets pay it forward!

You Want Our Games

We need your help

We want to give you A+Mazing games to play: ones with enjoyable moments, those which provide memories of nostalgia. Plus we have many more great ones to deliver, from platformers to shooters, RPGs to RTSs. The best way to help us is by donating to the cause.